Remote staffing is different than any other form of hiring. And so far in this mini-series, we’ve shown how some of the best organizations are taking advantage of its benefits.
We explained why remote staffing is the most reliable way to hire talented team members (without administrative burdens). We covered 9 ways it can help you fill key positions 840% faster. And we even built a 7-question scorecard for choosing the best remote staffing agency for you.
Now, to cap the series off, we have a new kind of remote staffing to share with you: premium subscription staffing. And it’s the most efficient, scalable, and valuable remote staffing solution on the market.
What Is Premium Subscription Staffing?
Premium subscription staffing lets companies “subscribe” to highly qualified, personally matched remote talent—without any of the hassles of recruiting and employment—and at lower cost.
This means access to Fortune-500 trained remote executive assistants, project managers, marketers, bookkeepers, and more for just the hours you need each month.
Subscription Staffing Is The New Way To Hire
While “subscribing” to the perfect team member (yes, the actual person!) may seem counterintuitive, it’s fundamentally better.
Premium subscription staffing means zero recruiting and administrative costs. And instead, controls your investment via a predictable monthly subscription.
Rather than spend thousands of dollars on recruitment, field hundreds of applications, conduct multiple rounds of interviews, and then negotiate salary packages—you get a shortcut to the best talent on the market.
And with the best subscription staffing companies, getting lumped with unqualified staff is never an issue.
For example, at Boldly, we field over 32,000 job applications each year. This means every member of our team rose to the top over tens of thousands of other applicants. On average, our employees have 10–15 years of experience, often Master’s Degree-level education, and are also incredible culture fits.
Even better, subscription staffing fills open positions almost as quickly as you can find the right show to watch on Netflix! Within a few days of sharing your position requirements, you’ll meet with your hand-matched staff and get started.
That means the average hiring cycle of 44 days shrinks to 5 days (or fewer)!
Then, you subscribe to your new long-term staff for the number of hours you need them and get holiday cover, and even extra staff when you need it—like happy customer service for surges or expert writers for special projects.
Grow With Less Risk: Scale Your Staff On Demand
Just like most subscription services, subscription staffing is a tiered access model. It allows organizations to scale monthly hours up or down as needed.
The COVID-19 pandemic caused nearly 30 million layoffs. But subscription staffing eliminates that need. Rather than having those difficult conversations, simply reduce the hours you’ve subscribed to. If worst comes to worst and you do need to cancel, your staff member will be quickly snapped up by another grateful client.
Another bright upside is that subscription staffing helps you hire, even during downturns. It allows you to add people and resources to innovate, expand, and experiment when everyone else is slowing down.
This means growth with less risk, and is why subscription staffing has become ultra-attractive to companies like Microsoft, Mercedes-Benz, Amazon, Google, Zendesk.
Why? Because their goal isn’t simply to have tasks completed. It’s to extend their team and capacity with rockstar talent to continually take on new challenges.
The pandemic has been a great reminder that none of us know what even the next 6 months will bring. So having A-level talent in key roles alongside cost certainty and guaranteed availability is nice advantage.
How Growth Becomes Inevitable
Subscription staffing makes scaling up easy—and with good people, almost inevitable.
Ask Fabian Delahaut, founder and CEO of Eagle Academy. Recently, we interviewed him and his Boldly Business Support Specialist, Pauline Esposito, on our show “Work Boldly.”
They shared how Eagle Academy’s needs have evolved along with growth.
When they first started working together in 2016, Fabian was doing everything in his business. From day one, Fabian trusted Pauline to dive into key parts of the business. From moving to a new accounting system to making processes and systems incredibly efficient.
This led to an unfamiliar feeling a few months into working with Pauline. About 8 o’clock one evening, Fabian was winding down for the day in his living room. Suddenly, he turned to his wife and said, “Hey, I don’t have anything to do!”
Pauline helped Fabian focus on the most critical parts of Eagle Academy, like developing new products and services. Because of this, revenue has skyrocketed and he’s even added more Boldly team members to keep up!
What Organizations Does Subscription Staffing Benefit Most?
Obviously, subscription staffing is working wonders for Fabian and Eagle Academy.
So what other businesses does this model work for? In short, any org that wants to hire top talent quickly and with cost certainty. This means solopreneurs, small businesses, enterprises, and even nonprofits can immediately benefit.
How Subscription Staffing Works For Solopreneurs, Small Business Owners, and Nonprofit Leaders
For example, as a solopreneur, small business owner, or nonprofit leader, have you ever been worried about hiring someone even though you knew it was time?
Maybe you were unsure if you had enough work to keep them busy (and make it a wise financial investment). Or perhaps it simply seemed overwhelming: designing processes, systems, HR considerations, salary and benefits negotiations, and everything else that comes with hiring.
Subscription staffing is truly a dream because it eliminates every one of those barriers.
You can build a team with exactly the expertise you need, who only works the hours you need them to, and has a proven onboarding process to make getting them up to speed painless.
As Fang Li, owner of Baleen Capital says, “Bottom line: Boldly makes my life easier!”
How Subscription Staffing Works For Enterprises And Corporate Executives
No founder or executive likes the expensive delays caused by perpetually open positions. Sometimes, these positions stay open (or are even re-opened) because local talent is undertrained. The quality and availability of premium subscription staffers solves those issues.
However, enterprise organizations have additional considerations that make hiring more complex. For example, compliance issues often prevent contractors or gig workers from being viable solutions.
The great news is subscription staffing offers a totally compliant solution for any organization, with a team of U.S.-based, W2 employees, the risks of working with 1099 contractors evaporate.
For corporate executives, working with well-qualified talent on a fractional basis is often a breath of fresh air, as well.
Like CEO Matt Gresge said, “Having someone I trust to take care of important details leaves more time to focus on the things that are most important strategically … To anyone who is not sure about getting started with subscription staffing I would say – try it!”
Subscription Staffing Is Just Getting Started
Subscription staffing isn’t a trend or passing phase—especially because talented people want steady, meaningful work rather than unsteady gigs. (In fact, gig work has stayed flat for 20 years and is generally akin to a second job to supplement income rather than a viable career path.)
In fact, subscription businesses grew 5 times faster than both S&P 500 companies and even U.S. retail between 2012 and 2019—earning an astonishing 300% increase. It’s clear that the desire and need for subscription models is still trending up and to the right.
If the numbers have anything to say, it’s that subscription staffing is just getting started.
At Boldly, we’ve seen incredible growth in the roles that make more sense via subscription. We started with remote executive assistants. But quickly found needs for everything from personal support to multilingual services and more.
Along with the expansion of services, our W2 positions with benefits, paid holidays, and a tremendous culture mean our team members stay for years—with both our company and their clients.
Is Premium Subscription Staffing Right For You?
Hiring doesn’t have to be a headache. In fact, our mission is to make it pleasant and profitable.
Premium subscription staffing is the new way to hire for anyone who wants to work with rockstar talent for just the hours you need (and at a lower cost). And hundreds of solopreneurs, small business owners, founders, and executives are happily taking advantage of the new way to hire.
Getting started is easy: tell us about your ideal staff, meet our hand-matched team member to see if they’re a good fit, and then start working together.
If you’re ready to take advantage of the new way to hire, let’s talk today.
Topic: Remote Staffing