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Suffering With Creative Block? Try These Tips.

Whether you consider yourself a creative person or not, the so-called ‘creative block’ can happen to anyone. Imagination is used when coming up with a new marketing strategy, ways to find a new business partner, a proposal for a client, or planning a company workshop from A to Z, as well as by the stereotypically creative professionals such as writers and painters when writing a new blog post or painting a new masterpiece. We’re all creators in some form.

When block hits, it hits hard, and more often than not it can happen at the early stages of a project. You can wait around to be struck by a moment of inspiration, but when there are deadlines looming and business tasks relate back to your ingenuity on some level, waiting isn’t always an option. With a blank canvas – whether an actual canvas, journal, notebook or laptop -, you need to have a strategy in place to shake things up and get the creative wheels turning. Here are a few ideas to help you get over the block.

Change Your Scenery

Still looking at a blank screen after an hour? It’s time to leave your office. Go for a walk, head to a coffee shop, or wherever will feel a little different as an environment to work in. It could even be the park that you haven’t even been to before. A whole new environment will get you out of that creative slump that your office was giving you and provide you with fresh air and new thoughts. Change how you’re working too; if a laptop is usually where you write, change to a notepad instead.

Rise and Shine

It can be hard to come up with a good idea when you’re surrounded by the noise of the day. Many creatives find that earlier morning hours can be good for productivity and inspiration, ridding any block that may be hanging around. Everyone around you is asleep, shutting off any distractions. Emails don’t need to be answered for a few hours. You can focus on what is important before interruptions take over later in the day.

Get Moving

Really not getting anywhere? Put on your trainers, and do some exercise. It could be a gentle run around your block, a spot of light yoga or an intense hour in the gym. In doing do, you’re away from your desk and your mind will be clearer. Recent research states that after exercising, many people are thinking more clearly and are more creative thanks to the increased blood pressure and blood flow in your body which exercises your brain.

Turn On The Tunes

Music has been shown to inspire its listeners and invoke creativity. Whether for you it’s through its inspirational lyrics or simply the relaxation that comes from listening to your favorite tunes, take half an hour away from your project and turn on the music. What you choose can also help you too; classical music has been proven to help with focus and concentrating. If you don’t own many tunes or don’t have them accessible, turn on the radio and see what inspires you.

Let Yourself Daydream

Putting your head into the clouds for a short space of time can actually help your work. You can think about different possibilities for projects, what directions you can steer it, or even imagine how someone else – whether a famous person or someone you admire – might tackle your project. In doing so, the creative wheels begin to turn and before you know it you’ll be back on track.

How do you get rid of block when it hits you? Tell us over on Twitter.

About the author Audrey Fairbrother is the Marketing Manager here at Boldly, when she's not spreading information about the benefits and joys of a premium remote team, she enjoys drinking a good coffee or going for a run in her hometown of Denver, CO.

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