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Secure Your Files with these 3 Cloud Storage Solutions

It’s pretty evident that storing your data and files on a CD or USB stick will soon be thing of the past. While some still consider it handy to have their data on a physical gadget such as a CD, cloud technology is changing all of that, allowing you access to your files on any device, and for that data to be synced wherever you are too.

Reliable cloud storage providers are allowing business owners to securely store their data without having to worry about losing a file, computers crashing, or lack of protection. While Dropbox and Google Drive are certainly some of the main front runners for cloud storage, there are several others on the market that offer some outstanding features.


One of the best features of the storage system SpiderOak is their ‘Zero Knowledge’ privacy guarantee. If you’re a little on edge about using cloud storage to store your companies secure data, this could be somewhat reassuring. Their guarantee in a nutshell means that your date is 100% private and can only be read by you, not their staff, and no one else.

So what do they offer? If you’ve always wondered what would happen if your systems went down or similar, everything you store in SpiderOak is always secure. Everything is automatically backed up, and data is synced between all of your devices. Don’t want to sync everything? Choose specific folders instead; ideal if you only need specific information on the go. If you want to share files, this is done easily and securely with a password protected file.

Documents can be accessed anytime on unlimited devices, and files can be recovered if accidently deleted too. SpiderOak is ‘Free Forever’ for up to 2GB of space. Their professional version is $10 a month or $100 annually. If you need much more space for your business, they offer plans to suit your needs.




If you regularly work with very large files, Hightail could offer some much desired features that are ideal for you. Not only does it offer unlimited and secure file storage across all of your devices, very large files up to 10GB can be sent securely to business partners. Gone are the days of wondering whether a client can open a large email attachment; with hightail, you’re covered.

When you send files, you can control exactly who it is going to and who can see it. Project folders can be shared with clients and colleagues and you have full control over who can edit and update. Just want someone to view and not edit? Easily selected and controlled. Documents can also be signed with Hightail and sent back straight away. Everything is protected with passwords, identity verification and additional security features.

Plans start at free for up to 2GB of storage and go upwards depending on your needs as a business.




ShareFile offers many features which allow you to integrate it into the day to day operations of your office. Offering large storage solutions with secure encryption, you can ensure the privacy of your work all of the time. If you share files often with clients and customers, ShareFile offers you the ability to upload and share files up to 10GB in size.

Your online ‘portal’ can be customized to represent your company brand, enabling a professional appearance when working with clients. Files are synced across all devices, and files can be accessed any time from whatever you’re working on. ShareFile offers a desktop widget for your work, meaning you never have to login to a web browser to access your files. They also offer a very helpful Outlook plugin. Pricing starts at $29.95.


About the author Audrey Fairbrother is the Marketing Manager here at Boldly, when she's not spreading information about the benefits and joys of a premium remote team, she enjoys drinking a good coffee or going for a run in her hometown of Denver, CO.

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