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CTO or No CTO? How to Find the Best Technical Partner
for Growing Your Small Business

How do you find the best technical partner for your small business? Do you need a CTO? Where can you find amazing developers? Do you need someone full-time?

As a small business owner, you know that finding a strong technical partner to keep your systems and website up to date and running smoothly is of the utmost importance. But how do you find the right talent to fit your business model? We tapped into the expertise of Joe Gardner, non-technical CEO of tech startup VentureDevs, to answer these questions and more in this Growth Tip Short:

About the author Audrey Fairbrother is the Marketing Manager here at Boldly, when she's not spreading information about the benefits and joys of a premium remote team, she enjoys drinking a good coffee or going for a run in her hometown of Denver, CO.

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