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4 Ways To Keep Visitors On Your Website Longer

When you have a website to represent your brand, service or product, getting traffic to your site is important, but one of the biggest challenges is actually getting people to stay to see if what you offer is a perfect match. Your website might be thoroughly optimized, be quick and responsive and your SEO is definitely bringing the traffic, but if analytics show that people are leaving rather swiftly after heading online, you need to ensure that your landing page and subsequent pages are at their best to keep visitors on the website as long as possible. Here are some things to consider.

Be Clear & Professional

People are busy; when they’re searching for something, they want to find it quickly so being as clear and concise as possible about what you offer will guarantee they’re going to hang around. If you don’t have a clear statement about what you do at the top main section of your front page, people will leave because they don’t know how you can help them. Your visitors are looking to fulfil a need, so you need to help them accomplish it. Extend beyond what you’re about; tell them what makes you the very best at what you do. Include awards, mission statements, and why they should choose you. Intrigue them and captivate their interest. In addition, make sure your website is very easy to get around and looks professional.

Link To Internal Pages

One of the greatest ways to get people to stay longer and read more about you and your brand, is to link to internal pages. Strategically linking to other content on your website adds to their visit time, as well as their knowledge and depth about what you’re about and how you can help them. Link to things like your About page, features of what makes you so respected in your industry, and customer success stories. Tell them about your team and direct them towards your blog with the latest news. As they read, they’ll build up a feel for you as a company, especially when your vision and ethos as a business is so evident through your site. If you offer a customer newsletter too, include a CTA for this; if they do exit before making a decision, they’ll have a polite reminder about how you can help appear shortly after in their inbox.

Use Fresh Content

It is vital they you have fresh and recent content on your website; without it, people may think that you are out of business, especially if your competitors have the fresh content that you don’t. If your website is advertising a service and you don’t necessarily have content about new products to regularly add, your blog is your best asset; once a week or more regularly, discuss aspects of your industry, talk about your news, or simply just talk to your customers about what is happening in the business. If you start this, keep on top of blogging regularly; many start a blog with good intentions and then leave it to collect cobwebs and dust, which can look dreadful to new visitors. If you don’t have the time to regularly write fresh content, enlist the help of a VA to write your content for you; you can plan content ahead of time with them, and guarantee that the voice of your brand is being represented through the writing skills of your Virtual Assistant.

Be Careful Of Adverts

When you get a significant amount of website traffic, monetising your website with adverts can be a great way to bring in some extra money alongside your main product, but be careful of the level of adverts; you need to be considerate of visitors. Adverts can not only make a website slower to load and difficult to navigate, they can make a site distracting as well as giving the impression that some of the adverts hold spam contents. If you want to bring in advertisements, ensure that you’re aware of the categories that will be used; without specifying you can end up with adverts that will be completely unrelated to your content area and won’t appeal to your visitors. Be strategic about where adverts are placed and don’t overdo it; too many will have visitors quickly exiting if they think your product or service is lacking value or the worth they were expecting.

How do you make sure that visitors on your website stick around? Tell us over on Twitter.

About the author Audrey Fairbrother is the Marketing Manager here at Boldly, when she's not spreading information about the benefits and joys of a premium remote team, she enjoys drinking a good coffee or going for a run in her hometown of Denver, CO.

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